Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP

I would like to continue what I started when I was first elected Labour MP for Leicester East.

I very much enjoy my constituency work and I hope that I will be able to keep on using the platform of Parliament for the benefit of my constituents.
The wards covered by my constituency are Humberstone and Hamiliton, Abbey, Belgrave, Charnwood, Coleman, Evington, Latimer, Rushey Mead and Thurncourt.

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Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP
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>> Thurnby United Football Club faces closure
11 July 2008Thurnby UnitedFootball Club faces closure or relegation to a different league iftheir facilities are not repaired by the City Council. The Club useWillowbrook Activity Centre where the showers are out oforder. As a result,they have been told by the league that unless the showers work theywill have to move from that premises or not play. It is theresponsibility of the Council …

>> Vaz demands clean up of children’s park
4 July 2008Concern has beenexpressed by local residents about the Bridge Road Play Area. Thearea has rapidly deteriorated due to rubbish, vandalism and lack ofmaintenance. Local residents are angry that Leicester City Councilis not maintaining the popular area effectively. Local residentand mother Ayaz Ali has reported broken glass and missing playequipment to Leicester City Council but still…

Keith in Leicester East

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>> Policing Green Paper
18 July 2008Keith Vaz (Leicester, East) (Lab): I congratulate the Home Secretary, notonly on the reduction in the crime figures but on this bold andimaginative Green Paper. She has obviously been listening in on thesittings of the Home Affairs Select Committee while we have beenconsidering policing. These are our ideas, not the Conservatives’ideas. The fact is that good practice already exists i…

>> Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism
18 July 2008Keith Vaz: I am not clear aboutmy right hon. Friend’s comments about the case of the People’sMujahedeen Organisation of Iran. Obviously, de-proscription isalmost as important as proscription when people feel that they aresubject to an unfair restriction. Is my right hon. Friend sayingthat, to get an organisation de-proscribed, Members of this Houseand the House of Lords must approa…

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>> Vaz Welcomes Speakers Conference on Ethnic Minorities and women
22 July 2008The Speaker of the House of Commons announced today that he willsoon be convening the first Speakers conference of this century.This cross party conference will consider a number of issuesincluding the representation of women and ethnic minorities inparliament alongside the issue of low voter turnout, weekend votingand the voting age.Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the LabourParty’s ethnic mi…

>> Tiffin Cup 2008 Goes to Wales
11 July 2008The House of Commons annual Festival of Curry produced a winnerfrom Wales following the decision made by a celebrity packedjudging panel chaired by TV chef AinsleyHarriot. Mint and Mustard from the Cardiff North constituency was nominatedby MP JulieMorgan, and after a two hour cook-out thisrestaurant was selected to win this year’s TiffinCup. First runner up The Chilli Raj …

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>> General Debate – Points Based Immigration System
24 April 2008Keith Vaz (Leicester, East) (Lab): I have paid tribute to the fact that theMinister has been all over the country meeting communities. Whatmessage has he received from them about the points-basedsystem?Mr. Byrne: Myright hon. Friend knows that I have the privilege of representing aconstituency whose population is about 50 per cent. Pakistani. Themessages that I have received in my mee…

>> Ten Minute Rule Bill (Race Relations) – First Reading
6 February 2008 I beg to move That leave be given to bring in a Bill to exclude from the operation of the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 certain matters relating to the selection of candidates by political parties. The United Kingdom is a diverse nation. A snapshot of what it means to be British today would surely provide us with a mosaic reflect…

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