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Princeton University Essay Guide for 2022

princeton university essay guide

Princeton University’s Essay Guide for 2022

In this Princeton University Essay Guide, we will cover how to approach the 2022 Princeton supplementary essays.

The first essay is from the Princeton supplement. In order to write a strong essay, you will need to reflect on your interests and how they have developed over time. Be sure to give specific examples of experiences and coursework that have helped shape your interests. The second essay is the “What about Princeton” essay. In this essay, you need to demonstrate your knowledge of and excitement about the Princeton community. This is your chance to really sell yourself as a good fit for the school. Be sure to do your research on the school and to be specific in your response. The third essay is from the Coalition Application. In this essay, you will need to choose one prompt from a list of four. The prompts are as follows:

  • Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.
  • Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution.
  • Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs?
  • What is the hardest lesson you have learned?

Be sure to choose a prompt that will allow you to write a strong and effective essay. Remember, this is your chance to show who you are and what you are capable of. Make sure to put your best foot forward.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a prompt for your essay. First, be sure to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that will allow you to write a strong and effective essay. Second, make sure to choose a prompt that will give you the opportunity to showcase your strengths and abilities. Lastly, remember that this is your chance to put your best foot forward, so make sure to take the time to choose a prompt that will allow you to do just that. By following our advice, you can be sure that your “write my paper” request will be honored and give you the best chance of getting into the university of your choice.

Applying to Princeton University

The oldest institution in the country is Princeton University, which is located in the quiet but picturesque town of Princeton, New Jersey. It is one of the world’s most outstanding institutions. Applicants who are interested in applying to Princeton must submit the coalition application, which includes several short answer questions and one longer essay.

In order to apply to Princeton, you will need to have strong grades and test scores. The 25th percentile for SAT scores is 1470, and the 75th percentile is 1570. For ACT scores, the 25th percentile is 33, and the 75th percentile is 35. The average GPA for incoming freshmen is 3.91.

In addition to strong grades and test scores, you will need to write several essays as part of your application.

Princeton was one of the first institutions to announce the cancellation of their Early Action deadline in light of COVID-19, instead of adopting a single January 1st, 2021 application deadline for the Class of 2025.

Applying to Princeton University can be a daunting task, but there are a few key things that you can do to increase your chances of being admitted. First and foremost, make sure that your paper writer is up to the writing a paper task. This university is known for its high standards, so you’ll need to make sure that your paper is well-written and free of errors. In addition, be sure to put your best foot forward in your personal essay. This is your chance to tell the admissions committee who you are and why you would be a great fit for the Princeton community. Finally, don’t forget to submit strong letters of recommendation. These can help to attest to your character and accomplishments. By following these tips, you can give yourself a better chance of getting into Princeton University.

Princeton University Supplemental Essay Prompts

The Princeton supplement consists of two short answer questions and one longer essay.

Short Answer Question 1: Princeton students are engaged citizens who make a difference in the world. Tell us about a time when you made a difference in the world. (100 words or fewer)

Short Answer Question 2: Princeton students share a commitment to service and leadership. Tell us about a time when you demonstrated leadership. (100 words or fewer)

Long Answer Question: Princeton students are passionate about many things, from academic interests to extracurricular pursuits. Tell us about something that you are passionate about and why it is important to you. (300 words or fewer)

A Few Details: Princeton students are curious and creative thinkers. List a few of your favorite things (books, movies, TV shows, music, websites, etc.) and why you like them. (50 words or fewer for each)

When approaching these prompts, it is important to remember that Princeton is looking for well-rounded students who will contribute to the campus community. Be sure to showcase your involvement in and commitment to extracurricular activities, service, and leadership. Princeton is also looking for students who are curious and creative thinkers. Be sure to highlight your interests and passions in your essays.

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Princeton University Essay Prompts

Volunteering: Please expand on one of your extra-curricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you. (A response is required in around 150 words.)

The first Princeton University essay question asks, “What does the phrase ‘especially meaningful to you imply?” The word “meaningful” has emphasis. Applicants should focus on a time when they have had an impactful experience outside of the classroom that has stayed with them.

Extracurricular Activities: List and briefly describe two or three of your most meaningful and significant activities outside the classroom. Include how often you participated, the role you played, and any other relevant information about your involvement. (A response is required in around 150 words.)

Don’t be scared of the bullet points on your resume! In my supplement, I included a subject that I hadn’t previously mentioned in my Common App essay. My essay was about how terrible I am at the Indian classical instrument that I play but have stuck with it because I enjoy music and the community that comes with it. My tale was humorous as well as introspective, and it gave the admissions officers a window into my interests outside of academics.

Work Experience: Describe any experience you have had in business, family enterprise, or another work setting. (A response is required in around 150 words.)

This question is pretty open-ended, but applicants should focus on discussing a time when they have had a meaningful experience in the workplace. This could be an experience that taught them a valuable lesson, helped them to develop a new skill, or showed them the importance of teamwork.

Your Voice: Please respond to each question in an essay of around 250 words.

At Princeton, we appreciate alternative viewpoints and the capacity to have a mature discussion about sensitive topics. Share a situation when you had an exchange with someone or a group of individuals about a contentious issue that shed light on your life. What knowledge did you gain, and how will you apply it in the future?

The United States of 2020 will be divided. The next generation must encourage togetherness through courteous debate, which is more important than ever. Princeton University is searching for future leaders who are able to interact with individuals who are different from them and borrow from their knowledge in this piece.

Consider a time when you found yourself in an uncomfortable argument. In this essay, be cautious not to come across as too moralizing — for example, don’t write about converting someone you disagree with to “the truth.” That essay may be more successful if you talk about a situation where you had to deal with a more complex problem – maybe one on

Demonstrate that you are able to grasp subtleties and deal with delicate circumstances with care in your essay. Demonstrate that the other person’s perspective mattered to you. Explain what you learned from this experience, as well as how this conversation has influenced your worldview.

More About You: Please respond to each question in 50 words or less.

  • What new talent would you like to master in college?
  • What brings you pleasure?
  • What song is the soundtrack of your life right now?

“There are no right or wrong answers,” as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) reminds us. Be yourself! My only advice for this part is to have fun! None of these responses will make or break your acceptance letter, so don’t try to be someone you’re not. Fifty words is a lot less than it seems, so just be concise and genuine.

Princeton University Supplemental Essay FAQ

Does Princeton have a supplemental essay?

Princeton University also requires the Princeton Supplement in addition to the Common Application or Quest Bridge Application. The Supplemental Questions for the 2021-22 application cycle may be found below. You submit the Supplement online through whatever application platform you use.

How many supplemental essays do you need for Princeton?

All applicants to Princeton University must complete three essays, three short responses, and an academic paper from high school.

How long should my Princeton supplemental essays be?

There is no set length for the essays, but most applicants tend to write around 250 words for each prompt.

What should I write about in my Princeton supplemental essays?

The prompts for the Princeton supplemental essays are fairly open-ended, so you can write about whatever you feel best showcases your skills and interests. However, some popular topics include discussing a time when you disagreed with someone, discussing an experience you had in the workplace, or sharing a talent or interest that you have outside of academics.

Do I need to submit SAT or ACT scores with my Princeton supplemental application?

No, you do not need to submit SAT or ACT scores with your Princeton supplemental application. However, if you have them and you feel they would improve your application, you are welcome to submit them.

What are the Princeton University supplemental essays?

The Princeton supplement consists of two mandatory short answer questions and one optional essay. The two required questions are:

1) Short Answer Question: What inspires you? (35 words or fewer)

2) Short Answer Question: List a favorite book and its author, a favorite film, and favorite musical work. Explain why you like them. (100 words or fewer)

The optional essay gives applicants the opportunity to elaborate on anything else they would like the Admissions Committee to know about them that wasn’t covered in their application. This is your chance to write a paper about anything you think is important for us to know about you! (250 words or fewer)

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How should I approach the Princeton University supplemental essays?

The two short answer questions are your opportunity to share what inspires you and what you love outside of the classroom. Be sure to be concise and specific in your responses – this is not the time to write a long-winded story. The optional essay is your chance to write about anything else you feel we should know about you. This could be an activity or club you’re involved in, a leadership position you hold, or anything else that you think would add to your application. Be sure to use this space to paint a fuller picture of who you are and what you’re passionate about!

What are some tips for writing the Princeton University supplemental essays?

  • Here are some general tips to keep in mind as you write your supplement:
  • Be concise and specific in your responses to the short answer questions.
  • Use the optional essay to paint a fuller picture of who you are outside of the classroom.
  • Be genuine in your responses – admissions committees can tell when applicants are being authentic or simply trying to write what they think we want to hear.
  • Proofread your essays carefully before submitting them – a few typos can make a big difference!

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